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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Veg Corn Raita.....


Mix 1 cup veg (cabbage, green peas, boiled potatoes, onions, boiled sweet corn, carrot, French bean, etc.) in, 1lb Yogurt, salt and sugar to taste, 1 green pepper, 5-6 curry leaves, 1 t-spoon mustard oil.

How many people: 5


Boil all the vegetables that have been cut into large pieces. Take it out of the water boil. Now pour a little oil in a pan reheat it.

In hot oil, mustard, curry leaves and green chili condiment until they find it is not pink. Then add the yogurt, salt and sugar to taste Put it run for a while.

Then pour the boiled vegetables. Use of coriander leaves to garnish. It is a low calorie nutritious dish that you can serve with bread or rice.


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